Having successfully crossed the channel (which feels a bit like cheating, but in not sure how else we could've done it) and more importantly escaping the four man cabin of doom, we drove around to Honfleur and set off. I'm still a bit torn about not cycling directly from Le Havre harbour, but having seen the traffic, lorries and bridges at first hand, I'm now satisfied that discretion is indeed the better part of valour.
Honfleur began with an encounter with what Paul tactfully described as tramps. They seemed quite friendly to me, and they were most confused as we tried to explain that we were cycling to Barcelona. We eventually left them to their morning and they toddled off with their Lidl carrier bags. Maybe Paul was right.
Theo left us to seek out food and entertainment and we went directly up a hill that nearly claimed OB. Thankfully he made it got the top. OB has had a tough two days, but has declared himself over the worst of it and that he's only getting fitter from here on out. That's a frightening thought, as he's pretty quick as it is. I'm also enjoying the self enforced OB pit stop that we take at the end of every big climb, which allows him (and importantly me) to catch our breath.
Today has been scenic, in a laid back rural French manner. It's an entirely different experience cycling in France, it's like being in a different country. The roads seem wider, there is much less traffic and it's all rather relaxing. The highlight was undoubtably a lunch stop in Camembert, laid on expertly by Theo. The rest of the day was spent rolling through idyllic French towns, sweeping fields of maize or corn, and generally just grinding the day out. The pace has been good so far and we've done a much better job of cycling as a trio or 'sucking Paul's tire off' and OB puts it.
We've just finished a lovely four course dinner in Alencon, in a restaurant almost entirely populated by Brits. God bless Paul though, who confidently took the French menu. This act of bravado ended up with the waiter sitting down next to him translating the menu dish by dish, then his third course being entirely skipped. 'Un Petit Peu' indeed.
Other notable moments -
OB booking us two rooms with double beds, which wasn't how I expected to spend my Friday night! Thankfully we've sweet talked our way into two extra rooms.
Me accusing Theo of defiling our room. Until I realised he'd bought me 6 wheels of Camembert.
Lots and lots of talk about how people's cycle shorts were leaving their equipment in the wrong place.
OB complaining a lot about Paul overusing his big ring.
Paul spending so much of my day asking basic technological questions (he's also found Strava). It's like having Shailesh here.
Road kill count -
No discernible difference. Rabbit, fox, small birds and something that may have been a rat at some point.
Tomorrow we are heading to Trudie's place in Avoine, OB is extremely excited about the BBQ that awaits. Theo has an extensive wine shopping list, which will be a tremendous hardship for him. I'm just happy to get there in one place please. I should be quicker tomorrow as I don't need to follow the Ashes. Two Corinthian wins would pep up my ride please.
Hopefully we'll get some photos up tomorrow. Blogger is very backwards and even worse on the phone. Proper wifi awaits tomorrow I think...